Proven Positive Heritage Outcomes
Casino Freight Rail Terminal
A major excavation of a proposed inland infrastructure hub at Casino, NSW. The project included a three week excavation of a in situ archaeological deposit which was in a deep sand deposit. The project included consultation with the Casino Boolangle LALC and Githabul People.
Clarkes Beach Midden
An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment and associated Aboriginal community consultation was undertaken to understand the cultural values of the midden and its physical nature and extent. The desktop study and field inspection concluded that additional investigation was required to understand the nature and extent of the midden and its cultural significance to Aboriginal people.
South Ballina Sand Quarry
Cultural Heritage Assessment of large Pleistocene sand dune in preparation for a proposed quarry. Tasks included archaeological test excavations, testing for both human remains and Aboriginal artefacts, extensive knowledge holder consultation and negotiation of use of GPR to manage potential risks to burials.